Our Mission Statement

“Our ministry is to reach the Latin culture sharing the Good news of Salvation that we all have through the blood of Jesus; welcoming them into the Kingdom of God and His family.

We not only care about their salvation, but we also want to disciple leaders in the Word, equipping them to offer the hope of the Gospel to their families, communities, and the World.”

La Venta Church plant Before & After

El Roble Village Bible College

Bible College Main Building in the village El Roble, Guadalajara Mexico

Bible College Main Building in the village El Roble, Guadalajara Mexico

Our Work & Projects

Since moving to Mexico as long-term missionaries, we have had so many unforeseen setbacks and the beginning was really tough on base- from us loosing a baby in an ectopic pregnancy/ emergency surgery to save Anastasiya’s life the first week being here, to loosing both Jonathan’s parents (who were the founders of this ministry), to our 17 month old nephew Willie passing away unexpectedly early in Jan 2020 to many, many more hardships in between. While this beginning is nothing like we had expected and hoped for, we know that God wants us to be here and we are faithfully persevering.

We’ve also have had some beautiful moments since we’ve arrived too- our 2nd son Maximus was born April 2019 (At the exact 2 year mark after we had lost a baby.) And our 3rd son Andrei was born August 2021.

We have been making TREMENDOUS improvements to finish the construction of the Bible college building; even though it is still not completely done yet.

We have continued to still have classes in this Bible school building, while reaching out to the community in this village with all kinds of events. Our goal is to have full-time classes and students living on campus once we are all finished with it.

We finished the construction of the church plant in La Venta and continue to serve faithfully as Pastors to preach, lead Bible studies & worship and all the physical maintenance every week.

We have done children/ youth outreaches & camps, woman’s ministry and we have hosted several large short mission trip teams from the US which were the absolute biggest blessing to us and this community!

Our current big project

And our biggest project right now is to finish the construction of our home; a missionary parsonage where we will live long term while being here on the mission field. For the last 4 years we have been living in a very small studio ‘dorm room’ , and even though we are so thankful to have a roof over our heads, it is very small for our growing family. Another big reason why we need to vacate our current living quarters is because it is a dorm room for students and the goal is to have students living in there. We have slowly been working on it the past 3 years in between all the ministry and a thousand other projects, but it is time to focus on finishing it!

Please be praying for us that it will be done by April 2022!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those that have helped us already financially, spiritually and physically these past 4 years, we appreciate every big and little thing and would not be here without all the support!

If you’d like more info about us, or to see more; head on over to the photo gallery page and contact us! If you’d like to lead a short term mission team, to come intern with us, or to help us in any way if you feel led- we would absolutely LOVE to hear from you!