Bringing the Gospel and Salvation to Mexico and Central America


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20


Angel Family

September 2021

About us

God has brought us (Jonathan and Anastasiya) together at Christ for The Nations Institute in Dallas, TX; where we were separately pursuing the training we need to fulfill the calling that God has given us. His whole life being on the Mission Field, Jonathan knew early on that his clear calling is to preach the Gospel to the Mexican people. During the time at CFNI God told Anastasiya that she needs to prepare to be a lifelong missionary but no matter how hard she wanted the answer to the question- ‘But where to God?!’ She only found out when she fell in love with her soulmate Jonathan Angel.

After finishing the Bible college, we moved to Wasilla, Alaska so Jonathan could get to know Anastasiya’s family in the summer of 2013. The following year we got married surrounded by our loving family and close friends. Soon after came along our first born son, Eleazar.

 While God was preparing us to go into the Mission field, we got established and served at our local home church ‘Church on the Rock Wasilla’ campus until it was evident that it’s time to go. What a privilege it is to get to hear from God and know what He wants us to do with our lives here on this earth! And so with that, in March 2017 we set out on our missionary journey to Mexico!

Latin American Ministries was founded by Jonathan’s parents; Jesus and Angelica Angel who have been missionaries for almost 40 years, currently based in Guadalajara Mexico. After almost a lifelong journey being missionaries, they pioneered many churches from the ground up, started multiple Bible Colleges and currently are building while already teaching for the people to have a more affordable place to disciple and be sent out to spread the Word of God in the El Roble Village, Guadalajara Mexico. In addition to that, they started a church plant in a town called La Venta, about 30 minutes away from the Bible College.

This is the family ministry that we joined in 2017, along with Jonathan’s brother Josh & Anne.

In 2017, we said good-bye to Angelica, and just this year in August, we said good-bye to Jesús as well. It is time for the next generation to take up the mantle and continue the work. So the Angel brothers – and their wives and children will continue as missionaries and directors of Latin American Ministries, overseeing our churches and church plants, especially making sure that the new leaders God is raising up will have the encouragement and training they need to not become weary in the work. We are stronger together.